Friday, May 22, 2009

Some important points on Job Description

The following points should be kept in mind for job description:

1. While doing job description special care should be taken towards language or wording used. The reader must understand everything. He may misunderstand something if the language is ambiguous. For the same reason, technical jargon should not be used in job description.
2. No exaggerations should be made while listing job requirements. For example, if the education up to SSC is sufficient for the performance of the job, it should not be mentioned that the education up to graduate level is required for the job.
3. If the job description is designed for the purpose of division of work, special care should be taken so that there is no conflict between the employees regarding their areas of duties. It should be clearly mentioned in the job specification that the duties of each job can be expanded, when felt necessary. Thus, no employee will be able to say that he is not required to do certain work.

Differences between job analysis and job description:

1. In job analysis all the information regarding the job is collected. Whereas in case of job description the collected information is clearly, concisely and systematically stated.
2. Job description is meant for some special purpose. When a part of the detailed information gathered by job analysis is systematically presented for some purpose, it becomes a job description.
3. The above discussion clearly explains that job analysis is in a detailed form; whereas job description is in a condensed form.

Utility of Job Description:

1. Job description helps in getting the idea of the nature of the job and its functions. Particularly it enables the new employees to understand their duties and responsibilities.
2. Job description makes the work of personnel department easier. It helps a lot in matters like recruitment, training, transfers etc.

Job Specification:

Job specifications describe the job, the minimum requirements in relation to the workers’ qualifications and abilities to perform the job, and the working conditions.
The Job Specification, a product of job analysis and a refined form of job description may contain the duties of the job and the type of employee required, in terms of skill, education, experience and special aptitude.

Details: Generally job specification should contain the personnel requirements of job. But, sometimes description of the job is also given to give an idea of the job to the employee.

1. First of all, the nature of the job is explained in the job specification.
2. The required skills for the performance of the job re mentioned, particularly the following information is given.
(i) Intellectual requirements
(ii) Educational qualifications
(iii) Physical requirements – like height, weight, sight, age, etc
(iv) Necessary skills and the amount and type of training necessary.
3. The working conditions of the job are also mentioned. However, the greater emphasis is put on the required skills from the employees.

The main objective of job specification is to help in personnel management. It is particularly helpful in recruitment of right person at the right place. It is also useful for promotions and transfers.

Differences between job descriptions and job specifications

1. Job description describes the job, while job specification specifies the skills expected of the employee for the performance of the job.
2. The aim of the job description is to get brief information about the job; whereas the objective of job specification is to determine the qualities of the employees
3. Job description is concerned with the job and with the employees; while the job specification is concerned with employee and not with the job.

Standardization in India:

The Indian national standards body is BIS. It has formulated more than 15,000 standards. It operates BIS Certification Marks Scheme., It is operated under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act. Those manufacturers who meet these standards on verification get license to use Standards Mark. There are periodic inspections of the factory and testing of samples drawn. BIS has adopted ISO 9000 series of standards on quality.



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