Friday, December 7, 2007

Significance of human resources development

The effective performance of an organization depends not just on the available resources, but its quality and competence as required by the organization from time to time. The difference between two nations largely depends on the level of quality of human resources. Similarly, the difference in the level of performance of two organizations also depends on utilization value of human resources. Moreover, the efficiency of production process and various areas of management depend to a greater extent on the level of human resources development.

The term human resources refers to the knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents, aptitude, values and beliefs of an organization’s work force. The more important aspects of human resources are aptitude, values, attitudes and beliefs.

The vitality of HR to a nation and to an industry depends upon the level of its development. For the organization to be dynamic, growth-oriented and fast-changing it should develop their HR. Though the positive personnel policies and programs motivate the employees, buy their commitment and loyalty but these efforts cannot keep the organization dynamic.

Organization to be dynamic should possess dynamic human resources. Human resources to be dynamic acquire capabilities continuously adopt the values and beliefs and aptitude in accordance with changing requirements of the organization. Similarly, when employees use their initiative, take risks, experiment, innovate and make things, happen, the organization may be said to have an enabling culture. The competent human resources can be dynamic in an enabling culture. Thus, the organization can develop, change and excel, only if it possess developed human resources. Thus, HRD plays significant role in making the human resources vital, useful and purposeful.



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