Monday, November 26, 2007

Management development

What is Management Development?

Management development is a systematic process of growth and development by which the managers develop their abilities to manage .So it is the result of not only participation in formal courses of instruction but also of actual job experience .It is concerned with improving the performance of the managers by giving them opportunities for growth and development.

Role of the Organization

The role of the company in management development is to establish the programs and the development opportunities for its present and potential managers .Just exposing the employees to lectures, case studies, readings, job rotation , assignments and the like does not guarantee that they will learn. What is more important is the effort of the individuals. Each individual has to make his own contribution to the development of himself, as others can only create the opportunity .The saying “We can take the horse to the water but we cannot make it drink�? cannot be forgotten here.

Executive development is eventually something that the executive has to attain himself .But he will do this much bett6er if he is given encouragement, guidance and opportunity by his company .The role of the company is to provide conditions that accelerate the growth. And these conditions should be part of the organizational climate itself, in order to be away from the unrealistic expectation that we can create and develop managers only in class room

Who is a Manager and What Does He Do?

The word manager has been used to mean people at different levels of hierarchy .To some, the term means only the top man at6 the top rung of the ladder. To others a manager is any person who supervises others .But in fact to be called a manager one neither have to be at the top of the organization ,nor should one necessarily supervise others. All those who perform all or some of the basic functions of management to some degree regularly or occasionally can be called managers .Needless to say that their actions have significant impact on the performance of the part or whole of the organization. So a scientist who keeps himself to the laboratory is as much a manager as a foreman who supervises a group of workers .Even a worker may be considered a (potential) manager for the purpose of management development, one of the objectives of which is to create management succession.

Knowledge and Skills of the Manager

Though the composition of the skills is the same for all managers at all levels, their (contents) proportion differs depending on the level at which a manager is and also the nature of the work he does .A foreman requires more of technical skills and human skills .He must be able to teach his men the technical aspects of the products and processes. He must also be good at human relations in order to motivate, co-ordinate and direct his subordinates.

Technical skills are less important whereas the conceptual skills are especially important at the top level .Human skills are important at all levels .It should also be remembered that, at the same level the skills required of a production executive differ from that of a marketing executive.



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